Boulder County Republicans

Boulder County Republican Summer Social

Register for location

Join the Boulder County Republicans for the 2024 Summer Social, hosted by Boulder Republican Women, where you will meet and greet the 2024 candidates, make new friends, see old friends, and learn about the issues. WHEN: Saturday, July 20th from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. WHERE:  Revealed upon payment COST:  $30.00 per person REGISTER:  Online HERE or...

LRW Sunday Matinee: Hillybilly Elegy – The JD Vance Memoir

BCR Headquarters 425 S Bowen Street #1, Longmont, CO, United States

From a former marine and Yale Law School graduate (JD Vance) now serving as a U.S. Senator from Ohio and the Republican Vice Presidential candidate for the 2024 election, presents an incisive account of growing up in a poor Rust Belt town that offers a broader, probing look at the struggles of America’s white working class. (Rated R)...

BCR at Longmont Unity in the Community Festival

Please volunteer to help by CLICKING HERE to sign up with BOCO GOP! The BCR Liberty Road Show "Takes our message to community festivals" and we need volunteers for this effort. We need volunteers for Longmont's Unity in the Community Festival.

LRW Sunday Matinee: Beneath Sheep’s Clothing

BCR Headquarters 425 S Bowen Street #1, Longmont, CO, United States

Today, in America, we are living in a time of war.  Our country has been invaded by Communist forces that are training 49.4 million American public school children to become Marxist revolutionaries. Wolves infiltrate our churches in sheep’s clothing. And the bedrock ideologies upon which America was founded have been battered and weakened.  What can...

PCP/Block Captain Informational Meeting & Training Session

BCR Headquarters 425 S Bowen Street #1, Longmont, CO, United States

Whether or not you are an elected Precinct Committee Person (PCP), please help get the word out regarding your local candidates and about the Boulder County Republicans! Have you thought about hosting your own candidate Meet and Greet? You can do this at your home, a local park, even the BCR Office! We need YOU...

Townhall Q&A with Boulder County Commissioner Ashley Stolzmann

BCR Headquarters 425 S Bowen Street #1, Longmont, CO, United States

Come and ask Commissioner Stolzmann your questions about what the County is doing. She offered to come and speak to her Republican constituents and wants to hear from YOU! Tara has not heard from any other elected representative asking to hear from us Republicans.